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08/23/24AGENT SIDE GRINDER: "Swedish small city life inspired us!"(Videointerview: Musik)
08/03/24AESTHETIC PERFECTION: "I want to challenge traditional perceptions of what the dark music scene is supposed to be!"(Videointerview: Musik)
06/13/24THE THE: Video zu "Cognitive Dissident"(Video: Musik)
01/22/23OWLS´N´BATS WINTERFEST 2023: The bats gave a tryst(Bericht: Musik)
06/09/20VICTORIA K: The music matters(Interview: Musik)
04/06/20MASTER BOOT RECORD: Synthetic Metal music(Interview: Musik)
03/29/20DOUBLE EXPERIENCE: Let´s talk about Nerd Rock!(Interview: Musik)
02/04/20SAEKO: The Power of Souls(Interview: Musik)
01/15/20REAL LIFE: "I proved them wrong"(Interview: Musik)
12/11/19TIRANO: The Search For Truth(Interview: Musik)
03/09/15NIGHTWISH: 13.“Making-Of” Trailer zu "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" online!(News: Musik)
01/17/15PRONG: Neues Album "Songs From The Black Hole" im März!(News: Musik)
09/15/13Onslaught: Religion is futile(Interview: Musik)
08/12/13KREATOR: Post third “Dying Alive” DVD trailer!(News: Musik)
07/31/13EVERLAST: Mit neuem Album auf Europatour!(News: Musik)
05/07/13NEW YEARS DAY: Veröffentlichen neues Album „Victim To Villain“ am 14. Juni!(News: Musik)
05/03/13MAEGI: Song by Song “Skies Fall” is now online!(News: Musik)
06/14/12The Search: Out of Sweden(Interview: Musik)
10/18/11Omnia: The Spirit Of Freedom(Interview: Musik)
10/11/10Bonaparte: Crazy Freak-Show meets Victorian Theatre(Bericht: Musik)
03/29/10Amphi Festival 2010: Supporting Programme, Warm-Up Parties & Easter Action(News: Veranstaltungen)
10/25/09Within Temptation: An Acoustic Night At The Theatre(Rezension: Musik)
10/23/09Within Temptation: Komplettes Album Online!(News: Musik)
10/15/09Within Temptation: Neuer Video-Trailer(News: Veranstaltungen)
09/28/09Within Temptation: Video zu "Utopia"(Video: Musik)
09/21/09Within Temptation: Trailer zum neuen Album(News: Musik)
08/11/09Within Temptation: Neues Live-Album angekündigt(News: Musik)
07/20/09AMPHI FESTIVAL 2009: Hits the plaster in Cologne!(News: Veranstaltungen)

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Nightshade - Frank van Düren
Landfermannstraße 9, 47051 Duisburg, Deutschland
Mail: info@nightshade-shop.de
Tel: 0203/39346380 | Mobil: 0170/3475907

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