Some of you might better know Roger Lima for his work with Less Than Jake but he also has an awesome punk band called Rehasher to channel his creativity. A fwhile ago Rehasher have published a complete cover album called Tasty Slices Vol. 1 and I had the chance to interview Roger on that one for a story featured in Slam magazine #117. For all of you that haven´t read that issue (or are not capable of German ;)) here´s the original interview:
At first a simple question: If you had to describe Rehasher to some alien invader - how what you do it?
Rehasher is a fast, melodic punk rock band.
"Seems like a band called Rehasher making a few cover albums makes sense!"
Tasty Slices Vol. 1 is an album full of cover songs. How did the idea to this come up?
During the lockdown, Alex and i were just jamming some cover songs and thought it would be fun to put our own twist on a few. Before we knew it, we had a list and recording just started since we were both living at the studio.
Which have been the criteria you used to choose the songs, that should be put on Tasty Slices?
I was really trying not to stick to any one era or genre. Just songs with good hooks, that i really enjoy singing the notes or the words, and songs i could add my own style of production.
As an example: What deeper meaning has a song like And Your Bird Can Sing to you?
There are so few Beatles songs that, to me, are "coverable". Putting this somewhat gentle song to blazing fast drums and bringing out the guitar harmonies ala Iron Maiden made it feel like it fit into a Rehasher record. I am a huge Beatles fan! It was amazing to learn those parts and sing all of their stacked vocals!
What was the bigger challenge: To cover Green Day, or to cover Boston? For what reason?
It´d say Boston. I had to learn all of the guitar solos and the vocals are pretty challenging! The Green Day song came together very quickly as it´s one of fave old songs of theirs, and was mostly "rehashed" with harmonies and extra guitar stuffs.
"Vol. 1" promises a "Vol. 2" (or even more). How far are you regarding plans and work for a follow up?
At the moment, we are focusing on the next album of original songs, but yes. Seems like a band called Rehasher making a few cover albums makes sense! Why should Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies have all the fun!! Lol!
Is there on the other hand new own Rehasher material upcoming?
Yes, see above.. We are in pre-production for the next album. We will start tracking next month in no hurry and with no deadline for release.
"We would love to have more Rehasher shows over seas!"
I´ve seen and photographed you (Roger) few years ago at Punk in Drublic - looking back to those times of free live music is a bit strange now. What is the situation in the US regarding concerts at the moment?
Things are starting to open back up, as my other band has had a few gigs.
Are there plans to come over to Europe "soon"?
We would love to have more Rehasher shows over seas! It´s just a bit tough to predict at the moment.
What else are your musical, but also personal plans for the upcoming months with hopefully less covid?
I am fairly busy in my studio, The Moathouse, and i have been streaming on , enjoying the community, playing some video games and streaming some music content. I actually have a little vacation planned in the mountains next month and i look forward to all of the touring LTJ has coming up this year.
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