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STARGAZER: To a higher level

The Norwegian Hard Rock formation Stargazer is releasing a new album called The Sky Is The Limit these days. As I had to write a story on this topic for SLAM Magazine #106, I did a mail interview with the band in advance. And as it always is, singer Tore André and guitar player William had much more to tell than I could use in the limited space of the print magazine. For this reason, I decided to publish all the unused but very interesting answers of those guys here on Nightshade, just to give you a deeper insight into that cool band.

Let´s get back to basics first: When you founded Stargazer around 2008, what have been your dreams and ideas for the band?

Tore André:
Both William and I had already been playing in different bands on and off since the end of the 80s, mostly on the local scenes around Middle Norway, when we first met together in a band I started which was called F.R.I.E.N.D.. That first meet happened in March 2005, and William and I just clicked together right away. Already back then, we were into something good, we had a lot of song material which (not only) we considered strong. I still do, and some songs from that era still live with us. Back to your question, dreams and ideas with Stargazer starting 2008 were to bring it up to a higher level, giving our song material eternal life by doing proper productions along with the best people around. Therefore getting to work with musicians like Morten "Morty Black" Skaget (TNT) and Steinar Krokstad (Stage Dolls) in Nidaros Studios, with Rune Nordal as recording engineer were for us a giant leap in the right direction.

Tore Andre pretty much sums it up. Myself I have been looking for the right singer for years and I finally found him in Tore André. We just clicked on all levels right away.

Stargazer: The Sky Is The Limit
"For me lyrics is all about having something to say, and catching the listner on all levels."

Which song on that album needed the hardest work to get written and recorded?

Tore André:
Hehe, tricky question, because we have had rounds with most of the songs. It has been quite interesting to see how some songs started out, and became something very different in the end. One of those songs I remember changed a lot during the rounds were Turn me on Forever, which actually were called Act of Love for working title, that saying a little bit about the change. We were really satisfied early on with the verses of that song, until we one day in the studio found that, no, we had to change the attitude of the song. We have learnt in practise the meaning of the expression: "Kill your darlings!".

The easiest one for me was the instrumental Racing the Devil, and that’s the truth. Ideas just popped up and Tore told me to think of my heroes and play from my heart.
The hardest one for me to arrange was Shadow Chaser, I just kept changing things and was frustrated, but, suddenly at 5 o’clock in the morning one night, it all came together and Tore André just put killer vocals on the tracks.

And which one is the most important or impressing to you regarding the lyrics? For what reason?

Tore André:
I think if you look into Come to me, you might suspect it´s a song on a personal level. If you do so, you are kind of right, I have more than once felt that one creeping under my skin, coming almost uncomfortably close. For me though, every song counts when it comes to lyrics, if the lyrics don´t count, then I think I won´t even sing them.

Tore André is very good with words and hooks and creates stories and excitement with his writing. My role is more to guide him and give feedback. For me, I always have to feel something special about something. If not I will not use it. It could be a guitar, lick, a word, a title and so on.

In general, what do you think about the importance of lyrics in (Hard) Rock Music?

Tore André:
In general, well, there are a broad use of cliches in the genre, defining the genre, which also is fine. In some aspects, hadn´t they been cliches, they would probably not work with the music. There are reasons why cliches get established. I use them myself. A lot. However, that does not mean I am just trying to copy or say the same as others, I always work on the lyrics, finding what feels right to say, right there in that particular setting. I love the lyrics work as well! When you discover depth in lyrics, and feel they speak to you or for you, that gives great satisfaction to me.

Well for me lyrics is all about having something to say, and catching the listner on all levels. And, do it with passion just like I do with my guitar solos.

Besides your music, what are the things that make life worth living to you?

Tore André:
Besides music!? Hehe, a lot actually. My wife and children in the first place. A few good friends outside the music is great to see once in a while as well. I already have a decent job I really like, being a teacher in high school. There I have the fortune of working with lovely young people and great collegues. Apart from that I enjoy exercising in the woods, hills, mountains around where we live, by a Norwegian fjord not so far from Trondheim.

My wife, kids and family are the ones I use most of my free time with. They give me the strength to go on with my musical dreams and perfection in what I do. I also enjoy exercising, watching movies and seeing friends outside the music business.

And according to the first question: Looking back at the career of Stargazer till now: Which dreams and ideas did you already fulfill?

Tore André:
To really work on and release an album to be proud of in years to come I would say. This time around we are gonna fulfill the dream of taking this music live on stage, far out of the borders of Norway as well. We are ready for that!

I am really pleased with the new record and I am proud of it. Tore Andre and I are still working well together, and we have tremendous respect for each other on all aspects of making music together. I think this record is almost like a new start for us, We have finally found our direction and will stay true to the concept and perfection on the next albums.


Art des Interviews: Email
10/08/19 by Otti
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