WHERE DID NORA GO: Neues Video zu "Passing Through"
Ein Cello, eine außergewöhnliche Stimme und das ganze kombiniert mit Klängen des elektronischen Universums - das ist Astrid Nora alias WHERE DID NORA GO. Diese einzigartige Künstlerin aus Dänemark entführt uns mit ihrer Musik in eine andere Welt.
2014 veröffentlichte WHERE DID NORA GO ihr letztes Album Shimmer, aus welchem der Song des wunderschönen neuen Videos stammt.
Passing Through heisst er und enthält eine wichtige Message, wie die Künstlerin hier schreibt:
"It´s been a little while since the album came out, but besides having brought two children into the world in the meantime, I haven´t been able to bring myself to share it earlier as I´m continuously singing ´there´s nothing wrong´. Lately though, I think that in our country (Denmark) and the world at large there has been very much very wrong for a long time.
The song could therefore easily be misunderstood. Yet the message is important.
The song is written from a very different angle; when I wrote the album and this song in particular I was confronted with huge waves and events concerning life and death. The song is written from a meta perspective on this eternal cycle - and in the great big picture, I believe that everything has a function and can teach us a lot and bring us to new places on our journey through life and eternity. And from this perspective, everything is quite as it should be. All is well."
Hier könnt ihr euch das wunderschöne Video anschauen:
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