Great news from the DIARY OF DREAMS headquarter! Today, we can announce the confirmed tour dates for the upcoming DIARY OF DREAMS tour in April 2014. As special guest, IN STRICT CONFIDENCE will accompany the complete tour. Besides that, DIARY OF DREAMS will release a new album beginning of 2014 which will be of course presented live on the tour for the first time. Tickets for all concerts are available at the Accession Records Shop: www.shop.accession-records.de
Tour Dates:
April, 04 2014 Leipzig Werk 2
April, 05 2014 Erfurt HsD Gewerkschaftshaus
April, 06 2014 München Backstage - Werk
April, 08 2014 Frankfurt Batschkapp
April, 09 2014 Bochum Zeche
April, 10 2014 Hannover Musikzentrum
April, 11 2014 Berlin C-Club
April, 12 2014 Hamburg Markthalle
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