Die San Francisco Doom Rocker ORCHID haben die deutschen Media Control Charts mit ihrem ungeduldig erwarteten neuen Album, “The Mouths Of Madness“, gestürmt!
“The Mouths Of Madness“ ist in der ersten Verkaufswoche mit voller Wucht auf Platz #18 gekracht!
Die Band dazu: „We're so honored to have the kind of support from our fellow music lovers in Germany and our great label, Nuclear Blast, that can put a band like ORCHID on the charts !! Against all odds!!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us keep classic, heavy rock alive!!! Cheers!“
Nuclear Blast Labelmanager Andy Siry: „Nuclear Blast is very stoked about the sensational chart entry at #18 of the SF metal band ORCHID!!! We knew we have a diamond in the rough here, but we never thought that they would grow so fast as they do now! And still, this is just the beginning! There is so much potential in this band, like we saw during their live dates in germany! Seems that ORCHID made the right album for fans who like timeless music!“
“The Mouths of Madness“ ist ab sofort erhältlich! Bestellt Euer CD/Vinyl/Digital-Exemplar über via:
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Album Trailer 1
Album Trailer 2
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