For more than twenty years now Mesh are one of the most influencing and loved electronic rock/pop bands in Europe. Actually they are touring alot, presenting their new album Automation Baby to fans in several countries.
As I got the honor to write a small story about those legends for the upcoming SLAM magazine issue, i just did a small interview with Richard Silverthorn. Being on tour, he gladly found some time to answer my questions, so you can read the whole interview here.
You just released your newest album Automation Baby, a wonderful piece of music I have to say. Please tell me, how was the workflow while preparing the record, and in your eyes, what is the special key of the final result?
We started writing Automation Baby in October 2011 so it has been quite a long writing process. Our aim with every album is write good songs, songs that are memorable and stand up on their own. The production and soundscapes are really important but the song is the thing for us. We wanted it to sound as modern as possible and not fall into that 80s thing that many electronic bands do. We did the final mixes in Germany with a producer called Olaf Wollschlager which was great. It is always good to have another opinion on things and maybe pull out certain things in the mix etc. Overall we are really pleased with the final results and have achieved all our goals with it.
Which song was the most fun in writing and/or recording? Do you have any favorite there?
I think Born To Lie was the most exciting to write and record. Some times things take shape very quickly. With that track I wrote the guide music within a day and gave it to Mark who then added the vocals. I knew from the first listen it would make a great club track and first single. You just sometimes get a good vibe.
Opening with a track called Just Leave Us Alone could be misundertood... ;) Who/what is meant with that song?
Most of our songs are left unexplained so the listener can make their own mind up. Giving away the true meaning or idea behind the song can often ruin it for others. Basically it is about outsiders not understanding a relationship... The rest is for you to make up
At the moment you are touring Germany and some other European countries. How would you describe the feeling being on stage, in front of hundreds of people that love your music?
We love taking the new songs out and trying them on an audience. It is a great feeling of completion. Something you have been working on for ages actually gets aired and you are there to see the reaction. On this tour the songs are going down really well which is unusual when you first play something.
Being in business for more than twenty years now, what have been the most exciting experiences you had with Mesh?
Thats hard, 20 years of memories, there are loads. Some of the really big shows playing in front of 20,000 people etc is always a buzz. Even on this tour now as we finish a the set the crowd has carried on singing one of our songs, its a great feeling. Entering the German offical music top 40... The list is endless.
Looking forward into the future of Mesh - is there anything you still desire to reach with your band?
I think with any band you always want for more. Better chart positions, bigger shows, more exposure. I dont think you are ever satisfied.
And for personal interest, as Arsenal dropped out the Champions League... Who do you think will get the title now, and why?
Ha..yeah Arsenal...what can I say. I think they need to buy some new talent. A main focus, someone with experience (a Henry type figure). Barcelona again I think.
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